Eco Writing Consultant

Are you really prepared for the long and arduous journey towards a sustainable future?

As a marketing service, copywriting has always been about writing great stories. Sadly, while writing those amazing little stories, most of us lost sight of the biggest story of all: humanity’s quest to survive and thrive on a healthy planet.

Many of us are now waking up, only to realise that we are on the threshold of Mordor. Can we cast the ‘one ring’ of limitless growth and profit into the fires of Mount Doom? Isn’t it easier to follow those who say we can keep that ring and wield it for good – to amplify and recycle their happy stories?

I don’t believe we have time to indulge our need for a happy ending. Continuing to tell stories with a ‘happy ever after’ would make us no different to the adults reading their children one last fairy tale on the sinking Titanic…before the ships lights went out.

Indulging in hopelessness is equally impotent. We need to engage in the fight of our lives. Maybe the ship will sink. Maybe the dark lord will take the throne. But let’s not give up the fight willingly.

Because if we do win, if we can repair the damage to our earthly vessel, if we can break free of the glamour of riches and power, then the dawning new world will be ripe for new and much, much better stories.

So back to consultancy…

What has all this got to do with my new Eco Consultancy service?

While reflecting on my work as a copywriter, I realised that the reason so many companies continue to tell ‘little’ positive stories is because they’ve separated the ‘eco’ part of their business from the rest. I am convinced that the only way we can tell ‘big’ positive stories is by acknowledging the bad stuff too.

Rather than working with companies to highlight their positive actions and outcomes, I realised I needed to sit down with them and pull their business apart, identifying strengths, weaknesses and major challenges, looking at ways of monitoring progress and of managing inevitable changes. This is the only way to write a positive, authentic story and avoiding the slippery slope of greenwashing and reputational damage.

As part of my Eco Consultancy service, I have developed a framework so that we can go through all of these elements in a systematic way. We can then develop a content writing plan to make sure you are not only telling those powerful stories of a better future…you are also helping to write them.

Please contact me for an informal chat.

Picture licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED Attributed to Pandawu